With EU support, Ukraine has launched the State Agrarian Registry, an online platform for farmers’ support

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine (MAPF) has launched the State Agrarian Registry (SAR) online platform on August 12, 2022. It is now open to all Ukrainian farmers for registration. MAPF expects to launch two support programmes for smallholders one for crops and another one for livestock.

The SAR (dar.gov.ua) is the single digital hub for agricultural producers in Ukraine. It works similarly to Farm Registers, as they exist in all EU Member States. Eligible farmers registered in the SAR will be able to apply for state subsidies, targeted, subsidised credit programmes as well as loans and technical assistance from EU and other international donors.

“The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, with the assistance of the European Union, is launching the State Agrarian Registry. The first support programmes to be launched in SAR soon owing to financial aid  of the European. We call on all international partners to join the SAR platform to support our farmers in a fast, transparent and safe way,” — as noted by the Minister of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine Mykola Solskyi.

“The launch of the State Agrarian Register is an important step on Ukraine’s path to prepare for European Union membership. The SAR is compliant with EU guidelines for agricultural state support programmes. In addition to such obvious advantages as convenience, transparency, speed and accountability for the administration of agricultural support, SAR also provides a powerful analytical tool for analising the actual state of agricultural production and the status of its producers. It is very important that other development partners assist the government to consolidate the SAR by using the SAR to administer, in the future, their assistance in the sector” said Frederik Coene, Head of Cooperation at the EU Delegation to Ukraine.

“After having spent only a few minutes to register in the SAR, farmers will be able to access information on available state support programmes in real time and apply for them online from their home or office, as noted by the Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Denys Bashlyk. When signed up, a farmer will also be able to check data about his/her activities, land plots, animals, etc. in his/her personal electronic cabinet.

All a farmer needs to register is an electronic signature. SAR is created with the technical assistance from EU in accordance with the best European practices”, Denis Bashlyk, Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitalization emphasized.

Agricultural producers in every sector, of any size and any legal type can now register in the SAR. Upon registration and identification, all basic information available in various other Registers will be automatically loaded into the SAR and can be checked by the agricultural producer.

To apply for a support programme, an eligible agricultural producer will need to fill out an online form, add supporting documents if required, and sign the application with his/her qualified electronic signature. Progress with processing the application will be displayed in the farmer’s electronic cabinet in real time.

The State Agrarian Registry (SAR) is an automated electronic system created by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy with the technical assistance of the European Union, to effectively and transparently assign and administer all types of support for Ukrainian farmers, using funding either from the state budget, soft loans, grants made available by international partners and any other types of technical assistance.

To access SAR: www.dar.gov.ua

SAR was created in compliance with the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Functioning of the State Agrarian Registry and Improvement of State Support to Agricultural Producers”, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 573 dated 02.06.2021 “On the Functioning of the State Agrarian Registry”.

The European Union has been supporting the implementation of the State Agrarian Register in Ukraine for the past three years. Thanks to technical and financial assistance from the EU, the government developed the relevant software and conducted two pilot implementations before the nationwide roll-out in August 2022.
