Program Objective

Assist the Government of Ukraine to:

  • Create preconditions for transparent and efficient functioning of agricultural land markets
  • Enhance environmental sustainability of natural resource use
  • Provide a basis for investment and growth by small & medium farms and SMEs to counter rural impoverishment

The program provides technical assistance and analytical support to:

  • Facilitate transparency of land governance
  • Improve the institutional framework for managing land rights and land use planning
  • Strengthen capacity to develop regulations and tools required for effective land management

Achievements so far and priorities for the second half-2024 year period:

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Achievements so far and priorities for first half-2024 year period:

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Achievements so far and priorities for second half-2023 year period:

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Achievements so far and priorities for 2023:

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Achievements so far and priorities for 2022:

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Achievements so far and priorities for 2021:

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